Other > Closed suggestions
in your face 2 hexes
A concerned wastelander:
In your face should only protect against the damage bonus from one hex burst.
Would allow melee to engage bursters and remove the unwanted randomness from pvp.
It only protects against one hex, any player with a gun and a brain will kill hth at range. If hth isn't a threat at close range then it is totally useless. Dmg is already too low imo, they should add plasma torch.
you morons obviously don't grasp the concept....
Hmm, i think it's not a bad idea. http://fo2238.fodev.net/wiki/In_Your_Face!
But it should not be that good, more like this.
1hex = 50% chance
2hex = 25% chance
--- Quote from: TKs-KaBoom on November 13, 2012, 04:20:20 am ---you morons obviously don't grasp the concept....
--- End quote ---
Everyone got the concept, it's just a bad idea
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