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Political position

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But kirchnerism is based on the peronist doctrine, heh.

The left-right opposition is not universal, it only works in "developed" countries. Other countries such as mine can copy that opposition or follow their own political path. This was the case in Arg with peronism in the 40's and early 50's (during the Cold War, that government didn't want the country to obey any of the two superpowers), and it's the case now with kirchnerism, that is our current government.

If you ask about our current gov, a person from a trotskyist party would say it's a neoliberal, capitalist government. But a person from a neoliberal party would say it's a socialist or, in some cases, fascist government. It's not really possible to define it with such terms, or if you do you're just importing a definition from an external system.


brad smalls:
Roachor that is extream left so vote far left if you did not know


--- Quote from: brad smalls on November 12, 2012, 04:17:59 am ---Roachor that is extream left so vote far left if you did not know

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--- Quote from: Roachor on November 12, 2012, 04:35:37 am ---
--- End quote ---

Exactly my point. :P


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