Other > Faction Announcements
Ada Lovelace Lovers
Description :
Ada Lovelace Lovers is a PvP oriented team who plays in turn based and real time. We are an anti player killer faction to wit we shoot on sight known player killers and defend ourselves under attack.
Although Ada Lovelace Lovers was initially founded by french players, we are now an international team. We aim to spread the science of Ada into the wasteland and establish peace.
Structure :
To prevent stuff problems and base rapes we have set a rank system for our members based on seniority and activity within the group with a particular rank you have access to a particular base, particular crafters (who used blueprints) etc..
Enrollment :
We are an international team looking for new players, we require :
- to speak a bit of english
- to use mumble when you play
- to be a minimum active
- to respect our anti player killer vision
Contact :
You can join us on our forum : http://ada-lovelace-lovers.forumgratuit.org/
Or on our mumble Adress : AdaLovelaceLovers.upmania.eu Port : 52247
Old channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/AdaLovelaceLovers223/videos?view=0&flow=grid
New channel : https://www.youtube.com/user/adalovelacedivision
Good faction, nice to see you back, good luck.
YES you took my advise!!!
TB You say ? ;)
You only working on south or on north too?
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