Other > Closed suggestions

rework northen towns for tc purposes [brokenhills]

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ok its nothing new, tc fights are getting more schematic day by day without any reworks of tc zones. so maybe just rework some maps? im not talking about some big changes, rather addning some extra doors, removing some walls etc.

defending brokenhills downtown is way to easy so i sugest to add two extra passags to highstreet

1. remove fence above general store

2. add two extra doors to brahmin pen

Cyber Jesus:
and those changes would make it way harder to defend bh?

Defending or attacking always depends on how hard the team plans and does a good job as a group or simply uses dirty tactics.

Maps hardly change that apart from the monotony in certain plans.

I don't like him but i like his idea. Defending BH downtown(with prepared alts on wm, constant backup from main grid) is way to easy.

So, new developers do something for your the most faithul players and listen up.

Something from me:

Fix it.

as far i know there is no multihex support for gates/doors on 2238. that gate could be removed completly removed for me.


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