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They are gonna wait until everyone starts complaining on these boards and I can already see it starting.

Enough GM abusing and make it a real game....damn.

hey strelok remember it is a Beta Testing!

this is the only time the gms actually get to have revenge on every player ingame and the only time when GM abuse is an extraordinary and breathtaking event, + theres power armours, i love running around in t51b PA, it just screams Fallout from every bolt, nut and crack.

i really dislike when people say "gm abuse!!!" it is kinda like "fuck the police"(sorry, but I can prove it is a quote").
If we consider the society a system, Police is needed for the system to function properly.
FOnline can be easily considered a system (it is less complicated than society) thus for FOnline to work ok, we need rules and those who will punish for breaking them. Yes it is true that GM is a judge, jury and executor, it si not fair, but still could you think of some other better idea? They are needed and not always are ideal. The commit mistakes, so try to understand them and give them some postive feedback, because these people work hard to make this game better (along with Devs :) ) I have been playing this game for  while now, and I still have never seen anything that I could call a real "Gm Abuse". To me this term is overused.


--- Quote from: Morgued on March 24, 2010, 04:40:34 am ---Where do I go at the beginning? Can't find anything or anyone. Randomly crossing the map through deaths.


--- End quote ---

Once wipe happens, I suggest going to NCR. It is where the most people are. Learn to craft some basic guns and gain your first levels. For now, try reading the survival guides.


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