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Hey, I know the wasteland is harsh and all that but...

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That is by far the most stupid thing I've read in this forum and I can't believe you're taking this serious...  :o

Whatever. You've been raised with liberal sentimentalities.

Spartans were considered the best land soldiers in Greece and this is the kind of warrior spirit that should be invoked in Western society - and they didn't start as many wars, nor created a tyrannical empire like the Athenians. Besides, I don't want some asshole bully picking on my kid in school because he's a soft little bitch, like I was.

Being strong makes you self confident for sure. But not everybody can be strong, and some of us are bound to be "soft little bitches"...

What do you do with the weak ? Leave'em on the side of the road or, like the Spartans did, kill them at a young age...

Life, like FOnline, shouldn't be easy. I'm not going to deprive my children of a healthy childhood by letting them get sucked into the mind rot of female-dominated liberal mentalities, while working class scum or recently imported "new citizen" children abuse and hurt them. My progeny will be strong, intelligent, and proud of who they are. My fiancee is of the same opinion.

I've railroaded this thread enough, back to topic.


--- Quote from: Roachor on March 24, 2010, 05:24:09 pm ---That's retarded, war is the biggest farce humanity has ever come up with. Millions die over arguments that don't even matter ten years later. Plus the way things are going they won't even need soldiers, just people who can work a remote control.

--- End quote ---

Well my dad could still beat up your dad....?

How do you pvp at respawn locations? I've seen people just get one shot. Inside tents or  closed buildings?


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