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looking for zombie survival mmo's

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I am looking for some zombie survival mmo's. Not DayZ because I don't own ArmA II or Operation Arrowhead. I'm looking for some 3rd person type mmo or 1st person or both.

Mr Feltzer:
I haven't played WarZ, but thats a Zombie Apocalypse MMO
Dead Frontier

WarZ actually is one of the best of that kind. You can buy it on Steam, It will cost you around 20$.

Dead Frontier sucks and it's not what I asked for, WarZ? I thought it wasn't released yet...


--- Quote from: Gob on November 05, 2012, 01:10:27 pm ---Dead Frontier sucks and it's not what I asked for, WarZ? I thought it wasn't released yet...

--- End quote ---
As far as I know, It was just released few days ago.


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