FOnline Development > General Discussion

How to make a map properly? (high resolutions, block screen)

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Many maps from cvet's sdk have problems with high resolutions: 1680x1050 or 1920x1080. I want to know how to proper make a map. What it mean? Map shouldn't block screen when user set high resolution.

When I used to play FOnline: 2238 I often had problems with screen block in few maps, example in NCR entrance or Hub map (I couldn't move my screen view).

My question is easy, how to proper build screen blockers? Can you give me a screenshot of map how you do it and tell me more about screen block? Later I will be able to post few screens how I usually make my maps.

I back to the topic and tell you what I want to know. You released Tiled mapper which generate cave dungeons. Everything is ok and good but I want to know why did you make scroll blockers this (blockers1):

instead this (blockers2):

First option is probably bad for high resolutions. Why? Well, open example Vault City map and look:

if I use high resolution, my screen can lock and I can't move because blockers are wrong set. So, tell me is it possible solve problems for high resolutions or all maps should have blockers2 position? On your server 2238 I had the same problem in few locations which I posted before.

Scrollblockers should be rectangular, like these:

If you want to use high resolutions like 1920x1200 or 1920x1080, all maps should be made big enough.

Kilgore, do you rework all sdk maps for your Wasteland 2155's resolution? I read that max resolution is 1366x768?

No because I don't use sdk maps, well maybe except few maps for encounters.

Well, just make them like this in the editor. Just because I did it on the map from the screenshot above, doesn't mean you have to do the same. And in worst case you can do it manually in the mapper after converting the map. You need to touch it in the fonline mapper at least once anyway.

Other than that: Just use lower resolution and window mode. Problem solved. Due to the FOV you won't see more than other players anyway. I am running in 1024xwhatever widescreen and window mode and all is fine. It's an engine problem and not much a map problem. If the outside area would be automatically blacked out and the screen could scroll over it, the problem wouldn't exist.


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