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Changelog 30/10/2012
When are U putting in adv chemical componats , since wipe I've been waiting instead U must a update were U cnt take drugs wearing a mask, you drive players away with stupied updates that make no sence, and you don't put in adv chemcial componants , or fix others things that everyone whines about
--- Quote from: Lexx on October 31, 2012, 12:23:41 am ---Btw. The firetruck is a portable waterpipe. You can fill the truck up with water and drive away- then use it whenever you need. Not *that* useful right now, but might become in future.
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Why, it still makes the firetruck the most useful vehicle, because it can fuel up brahmin carts, basically extending their loadspace due to less waterbags.
- In turn based mode the characters of players who disconnected end turn automatically at the beginning of their turn.
Beside the fixes and the new special encounters this is a good change :). Only thing which doesn't seem to make much sense is this change with drugs and helmets.
Killer Rabbit:
I want adv chem components ....:/
--- Quote from: Wipe on October 30, 2012, 09:17:33 pm ---Me.
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Why did you have that idea? By all laws of psychics, how is this possible to even imagine that?
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