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APB Reloaded, GTA style MMO

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FOnline is shit as well.

If you play APB long enough, you'll see what I mean. I wasted 3 days with it.


--- Quote from: foonlinecurious on October 29, 2012, 01:14:06 am ---and none of you give a reason why, gj.
"oh its not fonline, must be shit"

when did you try it last? it has changed some noob.

again, best free GTA style mmo available to date.
and unlike mta you actually have missions.

so what exactly about it is shit noob?

Articulate yourself FFS
Maybe some games suck because its unbalanced, and "pay to win"  thats a reason to not like a game.
Maybe suck games 'are shit' because there are only 2 missions and PVP is unbalanced and chaotic.
Maybe some games 'are shit' because there is no customization, or your just running around from point A to point B.

--- End quote ---
I've played that with friends for over half year, yes it is shit. A lot of bugs, premium ones wins easily, lot of griefers, and children behaviour is normal here, and game is unstable (crashing multiple times for a day - it is very annoying), if someone wants to play it - sure, but it ain't a good game, and there are better free games.

it looks AWESOME! definately gonna give it a try.

Cyber Jesus:
Tried it and yes, its shit.

Slightly off topic, but not really since we're talking about alt games to play,
how do you guys feel about Star wars the old republic? ( its going free to play soon )

I'll get back to you after I have played APB for a few days ^_^
( also I think they fixed a lot of the bugs your referring to)


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