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APB Reloaded, GTA style MMO
Slaver Snipe:
They have as much right to say it is shit as you do to say it is awesome. I also played it a few months ago and agree, it is shit.
Just giving you a hint foonlinecurious: You didn't create the game, you do not have to defend it.
--- Quote from: foonlinecurious on October 29, 2012, 11:29:05 pm ---ok guys if you played it years ago you have no right to say its shit, games improve noobs,
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I just watched some game play videos, few of them, i don't see anything special. Some third person shooter, alright there are some more aspects to the game, but looks like very poor. Just the common modern MMO that follows trends, you know one of them, you know all of them.
Game for kids to have fun and mess around.
P.S Real men play Tetris.
Men who pay money for tetris, real men, indeed.
--- Quote from: foonlinecurious on October 29, 2012, 11:29:05 pm ---ok guys if you played it years ago you have no right to say its shit, games improve noobs,
its probably completely different than what you remember, wasnt fonline different 3 years ago?
if you just tried it yesterday, then that's different, but don't come in here with your '' oh i tried that... 4 years ago.'' crap
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ok guy, i downloaded APB last night to see whats new, yeah they fixed some of the lags issues but as soon as i started a mission i got owned by 2 premium with AK's i baerly killed one of them. what i want to say is that its: still shit. a very big lump of fucking shit.
--- Quote from: foonlinecurious on October 29, 2012, 11:29:05 pm ---wasnt fonline different 3 years ago?
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FOnline 3 years ago: Hurr durr, bg iz OP, sneak iz OP, radscorpions iz OP.
FOnline now: Melee makes no sense, AC makes no sense, TC makes no sense.
Was it different? Not really.
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