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What about if they did a wipe?

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Ac ain't above 200 anymore now its max 140 its not so hard to hit them these days.

Lol yeah its ac that makes people not trade, because it's totally still a thing.  ::) people trade all the time, it's called using the forum. If you stand in ncr looking to buy something you'll wait forever.

I'm sure he meant trade with NPCs.

I trade with npcs all the time, they're a great source of stuff. What's the problem exactly?


--- Quote from: Blazekin on October 26, 2012, 10:41:26 am ---I suppose it is more like an actual wasteland, only bumping into people every once in a while..or the few that hang around ncr. But it would be cool also to see more bustling cities and people trading and lots of social interaction. Is there even an economy in the game? everything I try to sell is worth zero caps and no one really trades to much as they just make their own shit. I guess I am afraid this game will die before I get to fully enjoy it, and I don't speak any russian to play the other few Fonline games out there.

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Trading is easy, you just have to be selective with which items you use as barter fuel. You also have to pay attention to what other players need: whether it be drugs, upper-level ammo, or useful raw materials. For example I'll pay 50 caps per piece on bulk alloys... also HQ Ore and HQ minerals has value if someone needs it and you have quantities to save them from grinding for it.

There's a helluva opportunity I think for newbies to do gathering and get paid by established players; though if you don't use your head and just give up, neither the game or other players will reward you for that.


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