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Caravan Guard duty event.

<< < (2/18) > >>

Name: Name
Build: Unarmed / Doc / Crit
Motivation: I love a good collective effort, I like caps and I want to test my character.

And lol at: "I forget the water bags". You'd better not, or the brahmin will be drinking deathclaw blood instead of water ;-)

You know me. I like to lead, be a medic, and shoot stuff sometimes. So if you need another driver who pew pews too I'm up for it. Plus my moral compass is uncompromising. :]

It looks fun anyways so hey, if I'm around I'll do that for sure, I always wanted a good survival event. Woo.

Name: STALKER117
Build: SG fast shot/ high FA
Motivation: I'm in a crisis and need money because mitt romney gonna become president

im just bored and want to be in it :P

café saké:
SG Sniper
I m bored to whip my slaves, also i need money for buy boozes. Hmmm can i slave other adventurer if they have sex appeal perk?
*clap his rope*

Mike Crosser:
Quick question:
Is this a one time thing or something that might be repeated in the future?


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