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fast relog

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Fat Man:

--- Quote from: café saké on November 12, 2012, 07:04:59 am ---And also improve sniper riffle range.

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50 hex range is a actually really long, 5hexes more than laser rifle 10 hexes more than rocket launcher and gatling laser. Also 15 hexes more than big gun bursting weapons. Problem with sniper rifle is its damage you can't kill any tc build with it but it makes up for its decent cripling and knock out affects. But snipers is not problem of fast relogging.


--- Quote from: café saké on November 12, 2012, 07:04:59 am ---I don't find a good way to suggest ...

Maybe do bigger maps in all towns must mitigate pervert effect of fast relog : more space, more time for moving to TC zone, more guerrilla/sniper field situations ...
I m not really experimented in TC situations but that seems (for me), if towns are bigger, like TC fights will be more strategicals and more longers in time.

And also improve sniper riffle range.

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Pour toi :

Oulah, au contraire, agrandir les maps ça ne fera qu'enfoncer le problème, le problème du fast relog c'est qu'il est obligatoire pour être compétitif, car le jeu est désespérément vide de joueurs. Ca servirai à quoi d'agrandir des maps qui sont déjà complètement vides de toute façon ? Et je t'assure que les combats en TC sont déjà un minimum stratégiques et longs (selon que tout le monde FR ou pas bien sûr, ce qui compte c'est que tout le monde aie le même gameplay).

For non-french speaking ones ^^ :

Wow, at contrary, enlarge maps would just put the problem deeper, fast relog's problem is that it's obligatory to be competitive, because game is desperatly empty of players. What'll be the point of enlarge maps which already are totally empty anyways ? And I can assure you that TC fights are already a bit strategic and long (if everyone FR or not of course, what matters is that eveybody use the same gameplay).

brad smalls:
Ok this has gone on long enough firstly add a 5 or 10 min timer as a trial cause i am puting alot of faith in that gangs (Mostly SOT and BBS) wont FR proxy if its added


--- Quote from: brad smalls on November 15, 2012, 12:02:09 am ---Ok this has gone on long enough firstly add a 5 or 10 min timer as a trial cause i am puting alot of faith in that gangs (Mostly SOT and BBS) wont FR proxy if its added

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Do you really want to wait 5 minutes whenever you need to quickly switch between alts for non-PVP purposes?

5 minutes sounds like just enough time to go grab some food or drink and get comfy again.


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