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fast relog

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Black Widow:
Maby tnb will give good example and they wont use 4-5waves in every fight?
Tnb was first gang who used fr waves.


--- Quote ---It was 3 minutes if you tried to log in to another character when your previous character was logged out, because 3 minutes is the time to log out a character. For people with some gray matter it was 3 minutes, for those who lacked brain cells, 10 minutes.
--- End quote ---

Since Kelin is right, you're - one more time - the one who lacks brain cells here. Were you already playing at that time ?

Back to the thread, I'd say devs might prefer to wait for a more global solution, as this problem is not only about timeouts and FR but also about general mechanics of the game. If players had to spend 100% of their time on one character, if they were able to be more independent from their build, they would make less alts. That requires many changes though, not sure they will even be interested in beating that kind of challenge.

3minute relog time its a simple and working solution against "waves" in towncontrol fights. why that feature has been removed on first place? to make game easier for some newcomers/roleplayers ?

if we are talking about relog on pvp here then, yes i belive its a solution. when i said something like that on irc i heard only "yes but its no solve a proxy mercenaries problem" - what is worse for good teamfight. 1 group of weak mercenaries or another group of players.

--- Quote from: Black Widow on November 08, 2012, 12:54:08 pm ---Maby tnb will give good example and they wont use 4-5waves in every fight?
Tnb was first gang who used fr waves.

--- End quote ---
of course, blame sot for everything. if you dont emember cs loss all fights with sot on beginign of season so they started fr. hoever is that really important? every gang is using fr nowdays.
form one side i miss times without fr, fomr other side its funny to have intense fights. like yesterday in bh. 1 hour of constant fight between tnb and bbs.

Yeah, and add some script to prevent mercs to be able to enter towns.

Fat Man:

--- Quote from: Shangalar on November 08, 2012, 01:24:23 pm ---Yeah, and add some script to prevent mercs to be able to enter towns.

--- End quote ---

No. Mercs are fine and it is an expensive route to take and the time and effort put into gathering the caps and slaves is a good pay off if somebody wishes to use them. I do not see problem with mercs, fast relog PvP gets ridiculous after the 3rd and 4th wave of alts and is more of an annoyance than somebody using mercs.

The thing is if they put a timer in would people play honestly and not try to bypass or well the desperate to win figure out a way to bypass a timer and have a bigger advantage over those who do not know how to set up a proxy address.


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