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Hacked Accounts

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Hi everybody my fonline ingame accounts were hacked today if anybody else noticed that he was hacked too please let us know it

yeah. yesterday jovanka stole my power armor + helmet 100/100, gauss rifle, g11e and a fuckload of ammo for these from my personal tent.
i wasn't even logged in at that time.

you are an asshole, jovanka. fuck ya!

lol its no fun proabably thats the time were i will quit for this season , wtf ever ...

maybe you wrote the password wrong or smth... or you pressed wrong button and wrote it in cyrilic. it happend to me once or twice.


--- Quote from: Gob on October 25, 2012, 10:45:21 pm ---maybe you wrote the password wrong or smth... or you pressed wrong button and wrote it in cyrilic. it happend to me once or twice.

--- End quote ---

lol yeah have u recognized my avatar ? knock knock ??? haha i dont think that this were my fault , my account was hacked ... he even tried to get on a char with which i was online ...


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