Other > Off-topic discussions

A warning are you for real


brad smalls:
So i get a warning for starting a T-888 vs GR1M topic for them to have there troll off there so they don't troll up the PVP screens topic I get a warning i was doing the community a favor!!

Probably to avoid the fuel for the fire of trolling.
Or just because: What the buck? Why would you?

You tell 'em brutha!

Fight fo' yo rightz and fuck da poh-leece!


--- Quote from: brad smalls on October 16, 2012, 11:51:53 pm ---So i get a warning for starting a T-888 vs GR1M topic for them to have there troll off there so they don't troll up the PVP screens topic I get a warning i was doing the community a favor!!

--- End quote ---

You got a warning for backseat moderating/spamming and opening unnecessary topics only to fuel offtopic flamewars. If those two users want to get nasty, they can use the Personal Message function which this forum provides.



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