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How PvPers killed Pvp in Fonline
[7:14:42 PM] (Channel) Admiral Chang: fonline is dead
[7:15:00 PM] (Channel) intruders: good
[7:15:07 PM] (Channel) intruders: was about time
[7:15:12 PM] (Channel) intruders: i m so glad
[7:15:23 PM] To 2: its you idiots that killed it
[7:15:28 PM] To 2: you do know that right./
[7:15:39 PM] (Channel) Admiral Chang: how so?
[7:15:40 PM] (Channel) intruders: hello enemy spy
[7:16:10 PM] (Channel) Admiral Chang: pvp playerbase killed it ya
[7:16:14 PM] To 2: you cried and cired and cried till there were no builds except one, then you figured out it's 50/50 and cried some more
[7:16:23 PM] (Channel) intruders: Admiral Chang fucking ruined everything
[7:16:42 PM] (Channel) Admiral Chang: devs are stupid
[7:17:38 PM] To 2: your "elite tactics" of running in with max hp bg tanks with SS against other max hp bg tanks with SS led to a rock em sock em robot of wave after wave of like minding idiotry
[7:18:09 PM] (Channel) Admiral Chang: i didnt create the idea
[7:18:13 PM] (Channel) Admiral Chang: we hate it
[7:18:22 PM] To 2: no matter, thats what it degraded into
[7:27:18 PM] (Channel) Admiral Chang: intruders ruined this game
Fast relog cannon fodder tactic should be relabeled winning due to "attrition". Too bad all the concessions given to appeasing the PvPers had irrevocable and damaging side effects to the PvE side of the game.
brad smalls:
What PvE side of the game?
Sadly this is a fact that has been pointed out for YEARS, and the is always cried hard by the pvp'rs cause they want their fodder. There is only a small percent of pvp players that actually try to fight a fair battle in things like TC and world map encounters, but even they get rolled by the fast-log, ac hp ape builds who just want to lulz people and be on top without a challenge. Really the worst part is every attempt to bring the game back into some form of balance is met with extreme whine factor from the pvp apes, and since the majority of the player base left to bitch is the pvp power builds the devs hardly ever get any other type of feed back.
Oh and don't bother trying to suggest any type of changes to the pvp system, people are soo frightened by it that even when a small group gets together and actually talks out a decent plan, the powerbuild/troll people turn the thread into a flame war. Usually with nothing even remotely constructive for or against the suggested changes, just their sad tired 'The Wasteland is Harsh' drum that they've beaten into pieces. I've prayed for things to get better in this game, and I have stayed through a lot, but I tell ya I'm certainly looking to reach for my hat.
You can't blame the players for doing what the game encourages to do.
Rage master:
FR is problem for me now...i run new faction and fighting with 4-5waves ist just v hard. but even if they will give 3min cd tnb will use just proxy like they did all the time.
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