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Jinx should not save from one hex.

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Fat Man:
Jinxed trait should not give advantage to a big gunner to survive a one hex and able to crit burst. Should work other way around big gunner with jinxed should not cause somebody to crit miss at one hex and the crit burst with jinxed should cause him to crit miss.

Uh you cleary don't know how jinxed work :)

A crit burster with jinxed LOL \(^o^)/

Fat Man:

--- Quote from: Perteks on October 15, 2012, 09:38:23 pm ---Uh you cleary don't know how jinxed work :)

--- End quote ---

I am sure its suppose to work like this. This was a 1hex I miss ammo lose ammo then get crit bursted. That is fucking stupid feature that you can a person can crit burst with jinxed and have a 1hex defense. This was a big gunner vs big gunner no in your face or any of the ac shit.

You realize you can crit miss without jinxed right? you just got a really bad roll.


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