HaraldX, your work is excellent and i have to thank you for your generosity. I'm glad that there are indifferent people on forum, like HaraldX, Mike Crosser, Vedaras and Davrot, who wants to contribute.
MikeCrosser, thanks for your offer, just PM me and tell what you want to do. I will help as much as i can.
I'm sure, there are other people on forums, who wants to help out, too. If they want to earn some caps, even anonymously, there's nothing bad about it, my offer still stands.
Right now, there are 30K caps in my pot, which i plan to spend for everyone willing to help. Also, i can writing a tutorial for Photoshop/Irfanview to improve your workflow.
Vedaras, it is very generous of you to bring in the offer. How would you like to co-fund the Red Head Girl?
Senocular, if you're into Python scripting, it would be interesting to hear your ideas. Frame drawing can't be enough automatised.
Black Widow, the sunglasses must be drawn later, i'm afraid.
edit: By the way, HaraldX just accepted jobs 3 and 4. The set is almost done! Who wants the last one?