Other > Closed suggestions

Please, abandon pvp. Start making quests

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Ore Obtainer:
Hello, dear Devs!
message for developers/game staff(gm's, moderators) only.

My long and cry-full story :)

In WOW is totally no balance (1 class can kill 5 other class but cant kill 2 class at all, never, just if player going to go afk or break mouse/keyboard)

Dont mind about troll-messages like *make balance*

There is no balance in single player RPG - you start to kill 1 npc - to the end of game you kill all npc (or just hostile/unfriendly)
Players is same

Correct me if i m wrong : is it hard to add double amount of quests ? i think ideas can be obtained from books/movies.
"unlimited" quest amount can bring alot friendly PVE players, which dont care about pvp balance and flameboards at forum.

They can visit forum once per month and donate some $, maybe.
Why not focus on this players ? I see alot population at FOnline, but mostly i see only PVP/troll players in suggestion/pvp boards/donation board/announcement board

Please, abandon pvp. Start making quests !


by gamers for gamers BY DEVS FOR DEVS

Slaver Snipe:
I can't believe trolls make suggestions..oh wait I remember your 30 suggestions.


--- Quote from: Ore Obtainer on October 13, 2012, 09:22:25 pm ---Hello, dear Devs!
message for developers/game staff(gm's, moderators) only.

My long and cry-full story :)

In WOW is totally no balance (1 class can kill 5 other class but cant kill 2 class at all, never, just if player going to go afk or break mouse/keyboard)

Dont mind about troll-messages like *make balance*

There is no balance in single player RPG - you start to kill 1 npc - to the end of game you kill all npc (or just hostile/unfriendly)
Players is same

Correct me if i m wrong : is it hard to add double amount of quests ? i think ideas can be obtained from books/movies.
"unlimited" quest amount can bring alot friendly PVE players, which dont care about pvp balance and flameboards at forum.

They can visit forum once per month and donate some $, maybe.
Why not focus on this players ? I see alot population at FOnline, but mostly i see only PVP/troll players in suggestion/pvp boards/donation board/announcement board

Please, abandon pvp. Start making quests !


--- End quote ---
Sorry, thats just bullshit, let me say some true facts for you ok?

Making quests is one of the hardest shit I've touched while trying to do something for this server (and I've failed hard).
I can get ideas for quests even doing shit in toilet, and those will be even good ideas, but the whole "hard thing" starts when you need to write a script for it - then it is just like hell.
As you should know donations aren't for Devs cheap wine and whores (depends on sex) but just to run the server to let all those trolls hater's and noobs play the game. (PS, dunno how much times I'll repeat that, but I'll still do it)
To explain my sorryass behaviour I wanted to add (sadly for me) the game is dependand on the PVP players, and the PVP should be prior for Devs, but this isn't another game but just a hobby (from what I see ; p) and it is nothing wrong about that (just some douchebags can't stand it lololo get some).
Even if Devs nerf everything that can be nerfed, hardass trolls will still play the game, - Devs do not be afraid to nerf more  things.

Sorry for my bad-language, but that was just "must happen" post.


--- Quote from: Ore Obtainer on October 13, 2012, 09:22:25 pm ---Please, abandon pvp. Start making quests !

--- End quote ---

please, abandon this forum.


--- Quote from: DeputyDope on October 13, 2012, 09:35:34 pm ---please, abandon this forum.

--- End quote ---
This is the first time I agree with you lolo.

To not make a great offtopic I'd like to see the heavy handed added to the melee weapons, or this will be just "roleplay skill".


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