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I became a sad and lonely ghoul

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--- Quote from: RavenousRat on March 22, 2010, 04:21:28 pm ---Yeah, that's really scary, when gang of unarmed PK-ghouls following you, you running away from them and then you see a dead end and then they're blocking you there shouting "BRAINS!"

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I went into New Reno last night as a Glowing One and started shambling around yelling "BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAINNNS." Sadly enough, no brains were to be had.

what about your own?


--- Quote from: Heckler Spray on March 22, 2010, 04:12:45 pm ---Is it supposed to be a feature after the wipe ?
That'd be great !!!

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No, it's just for the lulz.


--- Quote from: Viktor on March 22, 2010, 04:24:55 pm ---
You cant be seiorus :o
Being a ghoul is boring.
For example You cant run.
And you will die every time you go to NCR.
Im just saying :)

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Aww, come on, what is more thrilling than running with a crippled leg from ghouls?

It doesnt work T.T

i loged off and wait 10minute but i am still glowing ghoul.

even 2hour...

how can it be!!!

i am so sad...

and what's mean WIPE?

Erase every data?


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