Other > Auctions
YK32 Pulse Pistol - OVER
--- Quote from: DeputyDope on October 13, 2012, 08:31:36 pm ---who the hell wants to buy useless gun with shittier stats than plasma pistol?
--- End quote ---
If Electric has bonus vs robots, maybe it would be good fro Glow Running with a 1-H gunfighter.
glov is maybe usless more then you ever though, and using such rare items is not best vay anyvay,
anyvay +5avengers to previous bid
5 gatlings
15 avengers
10 ca's
80k, 2 gatlings, 7 ca's, 2 avengers and 14 psycho
Cyber Jesus:
The auction ends in 20:00 (one hour from now)
Looks like we have a winner, congratulations Racoon (although falloutdude's bid seems to be higher to me but meh) you won the auction and at a very cheap price too...
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