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The War Z

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The Lost Children:

--- Quote from: Y0ssarian on October 16, 2012, 09:42:35 pm ---I was bleeding to death and ate a candy bar to ease my suffering.  ;D I've died 3 times thus far obviously I can't survive a single character in hardcore for over 5 minutes.

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Would you like to group up with a few other survivors? We will slaughter anyone who is not part of our group without mercy. Join us and succeed with us!

Thanks for the invite but I'm having fun alone trying to escape from crazed flashlight wielding bandits. They are crafty, I tell yah, while I was looting this gas station(?) a nearby flashlight bandito smacked me in the back of my skull and it was lights out for good. I wasn't aware anyone might be near because #1, it was dark out and #2 I assumed the nearby predators would make themself aware by keeping a source of illumination on them.

Also I met a guy with a shotgun. He didn't kill me. It seems in hardcore mode the biggest threat are the flashlight banditos.
So I've learned during the darker hours to keep my flashlight off if I want to remain undetected. Yay for common sense.

The Lost Children:

--- Quote from: Y0ssarian on October 17, 2012, 05:58:53 am ---Thanks for the invite but I'm having fun alone trying to escape from crazed flashlight wielding bandits. They are crafty, I tell yah, while I was looting this gas station(?) a nearby flashlight bandito smacked me in the back of my skull and it was lights out for good. I wasn't aware anyone might be near because #1, it was dark out and #2 I assumed the nearby predators would make themself aware by keeping a source of illumination on them.

Also I met a guy with a shotgun. He didn't kill me. It seems in hardcore mode the biggest threat are the flashlight banditos.
So I've learned during the darker hours to keep my flashlight off if I want to remain undetected. Yay for common sense.

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Press the letter N for nightvision, it's enabled for now.

Nice tip. Also patch fixed alot of crashing. Game is slightly more enjoyable for just an alpha.

The Lost Children:

--- Quote from: Y0ssarian on October 17, 2012, 09:58:18 pm ---Nice tip. Also patch fixed alot of crashing. Game is slightly more enjoyable for just an alpha.

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Yeah I'm having ALOT of fun playing with my pals, we just wiped out an entire town of bandits and looted many many weapons =D


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