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Unique items
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Topic: Unique items (Read 865 times)
God of Thunder
Unique items
March 21, 2010, 05:43:30 pm »
What about making all great stuff still not preasent in game - like PA, Advenced PA, Advenced PA mkII, Gauss pistol, Gauss rifle, Vindicator minigun, Pulse rifle avaible in quantity of 1 or few like some uniques?
I think it should be avaible to find in Glow or something like this, or in random encounters and there should be limited number of them, let say 1. If someone will find one in Glow or in some really hard encounter, he will have the unique for some time. In this time it will be imposible to find another one weapon of this kind. It would be great if players would fight for items of that kind, but the problem would be that someone who will get this item will keep it in safe place. I dont know, maybe those items should deteriorate over time, and when they will reach about 50% they should disapear, and be avaible to get again.
I dont know, but the general idea is to make avaible unique items in really small amount, that players could fight for them.
Propably this idea needs some development.
"I am the lord of the wastelands, A modern day man of steel,
I gather darkness to please me, and I command you to kneel
before the
God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
- KiSS "God of Thunder", wastelanders anthem
Frozen Mind
Los Alamos Warrior
Re: Unique items
Reply #1 on:
March 21, 2010, 05:53:14 pm »
I think now there is a possibility to find something really unique in caves, but all the difficulty goes up to the real life luck level
AFAIK there were things like Holy Hand Grenade, Turbo Plasma Rifle, Robe, etc. Mostly these items end up in lockers and tents and are taken away before wipes
God of Thunder
Re: Unique items
Reply #2 on:
March 21, 2010, 05:57:36 pm »
Hmmmm... I see. But as you see, the idea is to make some system that makes uniques flow between players.
"I am the lord of the wastelands, A modern day man of steel,
I gather darkness to please me, and I command you to kneel
before the
God of Thunder and rock'n'roll"
- KiSS "God of Thunder", wastelanders anthem
Re: Unique items
Reply #3 on:
March 21, 2010, 10:37:21 pm »
yeah, standart problem of unique items. People wouldn't just take it into battle, where they may lost it. They would hide it and show it only on secured places, where they can't find them.
But what about to give them fixed time to disapear? Lets say, thet when one person would find it (mean loot it in random encounter), after week it willl disapear, no matter what the person would do with it.
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FOnline:2238 Forum
Closed suggestions
Unique items