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Black Isle

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--- Quote from: Mr Feltzer on October 01, 2012, 09:58:25 am ---I Guess we will see..

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Tim Cain works at Obsidian Entertaiment. None of the old shots that made Black Isle games great works there anymore, it's just the same company in name, nothing else.

I guess it will be the best to wait for the results of their work. Maybe they have some talented people like the black isle's former staff, who knows.


--- Quote from: Surf on October 03, 2012, 07:12:31 am ---Tim Cain works at Obsidian Entertaiment. None of the old shots that made Black Isle games great works there anymore, it's just the same company in name, nothing else.

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Yes, you are right. Real Black Isle will able to make by Obsidian and inXile entertainment with Fargo. This BI is only name, not more. Interplay is only name too, well.


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