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Black Isle

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Ore Obtainer:


brad smalls:
its like the Fallout serise its back but not the same

Slaver Snipe:
Until the "talent" is announced it doesn't matter as a name is only a name and not a given right of excellence.  In all reality this is probably just the Caen's trying to cash in on kickstarter potential.

Ore Obtainer:

--- Quote from: Slaver Snipe on September 30, 2012, 05:33:22 pm ---Until the "talent" is announced it doesn't matter as a name is only a name and not a given right of excellence.  In all reality this is probably just the Caen's trying to cash in on kickstarter potential.

--- End quote ---


But i think http://t.co/ZWWOnqTj explain what they plan to do. I mean RPG.

--- Quote from: brad smalls on September 30, 2012, 05:29:05 pm ---its like the Fallout serise its back but not the same

--- End quote ---

It is not about Fallout, it is like second date after first date :D
I know nothing about dates.

Slaver Snipe:
Of course it plans to do RPG's which is what Black Isle was known for, the problem is them getting a truly great team together that can actually make RPG's of quality which I doubt will happen.


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