Other > Events
Navarro Attack Event #1
So, today will happen a PvE event in Navarro, on the northern west coast.
Players will come with nothing and will be killed to leave the event. It is not possible to leave the event once it has begun, as for most of the events that involve a battle with spawned stuff. GMs will give stuff to players, probably high end equipment - including Power Armors. It's wipe soon, let's do something unusual ! =p
Once all the players are ready, they will attack the main Navarro base. Depending on the number of players on the event and their levels, additional Enclave troopers might be spawned to help the Navarro defenders. Once the base will be cleared (And its underground as well), if players want it, they will have to defend the base against Enclave troops coming from the Oil Rig to seize control of Navarro again.
Event will take place this afternoon (GMT+1), so in a few hours. No need to come to Navarro until you hear the event begins, by reading a global red message. As often, this event will be recorded. Any dismantling/spamming/PvP will result in sanctions there.
Get ready and good luck, hope you enjoy it.
im down!
Quentin Lang:
Great event, untill i died from 4 enclaves shooting 8 rockets at me xP
Oh hell, got killed by second critical shot :(
Even couldn't see the enclave :(
Thanks for event anyway, waiting for wipe :)
Doktor X:
Fight was really nice.
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