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Knock outs
doesn't low luck increase the chance/severity of crits against you? that would increase knock outs.
--- Quote ---I think that is true with stonewall, but without stonewall 10 endurance doesn't make a difference. Know this from experience.
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Look, if you don't know what you're talking about and don't believe us when we answer your questions, why do you even ask?
Luck of the person receiving crit affect only bypass and blind chance. EN affect KD and KO rolls (and cripple too in Fallout, but maybe they changed that to strength in 2238).
Crazy is correct.
Just noticed, 10 endurance and stonewall otherwise no difference? What bullshit.
--- Quote from: Solar on February 16, 2011, 01:30:22 pm ---Stonewall 6 ST 6 En Roll to ignore knockout, En-5 roll to ignore knockdown
--- End quote ---
Last, previous information about Stonewall, it adds another roll, so if your endurance roll fails it gives another chance to avoid it, higher endurance is of course much more effective in conjunction with Stonewall in a sense that your second roll has a higher chance to avoid the effect, but for example a character with 8 endurance will still benefit from it quite a bit and actually maybe even equal with 10 endurance, because Stonewall is only used when you actually fail with your normal endurance roll ( with 10 endurance you will fail the least to use stonewall at all ), so by all means if you fail more times with 8 endurance your second roll will be used more often despite it being less effective, it should be about even when it comes to KO/KD, if not equal then the difference is not very big.
Fat Man:
Ok so I went and tested this and this is my conclusion, luck factors into knock outs because of bypasses, even with 10 endurance stonewall or 10 endurance without it, having lower luck = increase chance of bypass and a sniper with better critical well do a knock out with a bypass so luck does factor into knockouts but that is in regard to bypasses.
Which is the reason why I thought that 10 endurance didn't do much vs knock outs because luck factors into the bypass, my build has low luck so it gets bypassed knocked out on frequently even with 10 endurance.
I tested a build lower luck 10 endurance and a build with higher luck 10 endurance, the average critical didn't cause a knockout or a knockdown on both was the same, but the build with more luck didn't get bypassed knocked out, and the build with less luck got bypassed knocked more frequently. This was tested with a sniper with full critical chance vs combat helmet and bonehead on both of these builds.
It's amusing to watch T-888 support suicide bomb TC trolling in one thread and being against AC trolling here. Keep it up man. :)
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