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Knock outs

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Fat Man:
I wanted to discuss knockouts but I see this is turning into another heavy handed debate. I like the days when you would have to punch somebody in eye or head with unarmed to be effective.

I think it depends on what heavy handed build, as big gunner the most annoying is ac + in your face + heavy handed, you can't hit them at range and if you do its only like 20 damage, then if you one hex you miss, I swear in your face doesn't work 1/2 to miss it seems I always miss when I shoot these builds one hex... That is why these builds are annoying. But hell its always wise to just go in with a sneaker see what builds are around if you want to go rambo with your big gunner and you see 3 hth trolls just dont enter the town unless there is a worthy enemy.

But I think this is what they wanted for this session was more use for HtH in PVP that is why we have heavy handed and ac.

I have a build that has heavy handed with 7 str, and actually 7 str isn't too bad you still knock down majority of the time. (this build is a big guner sneaker and I took heavy handed because it useful taking with 100% unarmed for awareness) So I do not see problem it requires a crafted item to do 100% knock down that is fair, even if a power fists counts as 8/10 that is still sufficent. Spend an hour around san francisco you well have so many power fist you won't know what to do with. I do not see this being an issue. Just make a turn base build and hunt around san francisco to level and farm at same time. Every NPC around san francisco gives 300exp + loot.

Fat Man:
Sorry for double post but it didn't belong in the one above...

Back to knock outs, anybody know if luck factors into getting knocked out? We know lower luck = higher chance to be bypassed but does it also increase higher chance to get knocked out?


--- Quote from: Fat Man on October 02, 2012, 10:33:41 pm ---Back to knock outs, anybody know if luck factors into getting knocked out? We know lower luck = higher chance to be bypassed but does it also increase higher chance to get knocked out?

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No. The characteristic used for KO rolls is endurance.

Fat Man:

--- Quote from: Crazy on October 03, 2012, 06:24:59 pm ---No. The characteristic used for KO rolls is endurance.

--- End quote ---

I think that is true with stonewall, but without stonewall 10 endurance doesn't make a difference. Know this from experience.

I think bonehead + man of steel reduces a knock out shot to a knock down.

Reason why I started this topic was thinking if taking quick recovery is more useful than taking stonewall or man of steel. Was thinking it would be more useful perk to take at level 6 than baby toughness for a big gunner build.

At level 9 I think even tougher is more useful than stonewall, and level 6 quick recovery would be better option than toughness. Level 15 for man of steel which wouldn't be a good perk to replace a life giver or a brd on a bg burster.

But at same time knock outs still take away alot of AP, 1/3 of that ap you are still on the ground for a good length of time where it still seems like a useless perk.


--- Quote from: Fat Man on October 02, 2012, 10:33:41 pm ---Back to knock outs, anybody know if luck factors into getting knocked out? We know lower luck = higher chance to be bypassed but does it also increase higher chance to get knocked out?

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Higher luck does not lower knockout chance.

--- Quote from: Fat Man on October 04, 2012, 02:43:27 am ---I think that is true with stonewall, but without stonewall 10 endurance doesn't make a difference. Know this from experience.
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It makes a difference even without stonewall.

--- Quote from: Fat Man on October 04, 2012, 02:43:27 am ---I think bonehead + man of steel reduces a knock out shot to a knock down.
--- End quote ---
Bonehad + man of steel usually decrease the severity of the critical so it basically decreases chance to get knocked out.


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