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Military semi-simulator/sim games

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Anyone got something to suggest? Something in the vein of Delta Force 2, to some extent even Battle Field games. I'm kinda into this kind of semi-realistic/full sim thing. You know - large environments, iron sights and stuff like that.

Games I've already played and enjoyed:
Battlefield 1942
Battlefield 2
Delta Force 1 and 2
Insurgency (Sourcemod)
Something I've already forgotten. >.>

ArmA2, the best one out there, afaik. Also it has a truckton of mods for kind of everything that exists in the military.

World of Tanks

Red Orchrestra 2 ---- Best One


Americas Army 3

Battlefield 3 / Bad Company 2

--- Quote from: Lexx on September 29, 2012, 10:39:59 pm ---ArmA2, the best one out there, afaik. Also it has a truckton of mods for kind of everything that exists in the military.

--- End quote ---
I want ARMA 3 to come out already :P, can't wait for it

World of Tanks is not a simulation, it is an arcade tank shooter. :>


--- Quote from: Lexx on September 29, 2012, 10:57:18 pm ---World of Tanks is not a simulation, it is an arcade tank shooter. :>

--- End quote ---
Still fun to play though

especially with the new physics, WOW, I love ramming with the Jagd E-100, its so much fun


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