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Donations needed

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--- Quote from: Gimper on April 15, 2013, 04:01:48 am ---Well, I for one like the server empty. Its fun to play with few interruptions and if I need human interactions, there are still idlers in NCR. Plus, believe it or not, I strongly support the new updates. +1 for better mining! Donated 10 bucks, enjoy the cheap booze.
--- End quote ---

Thanks a lot Gimper.

Thanks Gimper.

PS: I cleaned up the thread a bit. (There are other threads for discussing TLA mk2 and dying server.)

I also donated 10$, thanks to Rotators! ;)


--- Quote from: Senocular on April 15, 2013, 11:42:33 am ---I also donated 10$, thanks to Rotators! ;)

--- End quote ---
Thanks Senocular, we appreciate it.

Donated!  ;D  i really like the containers that were added recently!

Edit: Btw im encountering more new players ingame and on forum recently


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