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Donations needed

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--- Quote from: Lexx on September 30, 2012, 04:43:26 pm ---The forum runs on the same server, btw. So if the server goes down, not only the game, but also the forum will not be available anymore. We probably can pay for a few months by ourself, but not for a very long time.

--- End quote ---

Don't worry, just shut the server off, players that don't read the forum and don't care about the server quality will of course give money to you to upkeep this forever dying horse.

Think about the scenario if 2238 goes down for good, long story short it's green light for all other projects, half finished or in progress it doesn't matter.

Interesting thing that jovanka suddenly started to talk about an update in one other topic and about an actual change witch was requested by the community, intended by Solar like an eternity ago. Funny coincidence, i guess some big fat update is coming to kick-start the optimists and money will flow, so by all laws of physics if someone does donate we shouldn't exceed the 3 month limit that way getting some useful changes at least every 3 months.

In the last 2 moths there was over 250 commits (updates) in the server and client repositories.
Many of these were simple things, some other are bigger projects that are still work in progress.

But really the point is that without donations there will be no public game server and no forum
like this one (might be some small board a on free server for dev use in the best case ). I can
speak only for myself, but my point of view is that it's really mainly for you not for us (or at least
for me). I'm having fun with repository not in the game and it's stored on a free server.

Again - this is only my opinion, but if hundreds of players who play the game can't sustain the
server by cheaping in from time to time, then I don't think a few people who actually spend their
time working on it should jump out of cash to provide YOU a free game to play.

Please, we all know that a free game these days is nothing special, it's nothing to be proud of, maybe 10 years ago it was or more. Some other project comes up if this goes down and most probably a project witch will not ask for donations, good isn't it? It would be like an improvement.

--- Quote from: JovankaB on September 30, 2012, 05:44:39 pm ---In the last 2 moths there was over 250 commits (updates) in the server and client repositories.
Many of these were simple things, some other are bigger projects that are still work in progress.

--- End quote ---

We don't see actual changes that are necessary to sustain a higher population or for this project to grow into something better including the game itself, there is always something screwed up and forgotten or something that doesn't bother any of the developers, thanks for nothing, again.

I can say thanks for some lag fixes, field of view, changed SD, support perks, general perk changes, eased up requirements for them, binds etc. etc. there are quite a lot of good changes that were brought in with this wipe, actually very much good changes, but the server is always lacking some good polishing, good example was the new TC system witch in the end never was fixed, though had a lot of good potential as this game itself.

--- Quote from: Johnnybravo on September 30, 2012, 05:38:08 pm ---I don't exactly understand thoughts behind the scene. From what is happening it looks more like some crazy like-to-be designer or programmer coming up with features that nobody wants and nobody can be expected to wants them, and then spend long time fixing the damage caused.

--- End quote ---

This comes from another topic, but oh my, i would sign my name under every word of his.

It's a never ending story and i don't believe you would have any fun with purely only repository, i just don't believe that, as soon as 2238 would go off, the community would go away elsewhere and so as your fun.

I want to add I realy enjoy this game in past 3 years but now I will don't have big problem to see him go down.

Jovanka you can say all you want, AC troll can be fix in less than 30 minutes and we are still waiting. The staff have 0 excuse for that. This kind of thing is not acceptable. We are very angry about the situation because we love this game so much, he have great potentiel but to many time in past years we ask very easy fix and it took 6 month + to have it.

And what about you (Jovanka) banning some people in TC for dual log, when this rules close to never get apply in this session. Yes you can't be there all the time, but if you make a rules hire the man power to be sure it will be respected must of the time or forget it.

I don't understand how you can try to ask monay with this actual situation, no taxation without representation.

To LeMark: You simply didn't get that.
If WE don't pay, there will be no 2238 online, and then you can just play on some tlamk123, and whine there about their server.
Its not like Devs "asking" you for money for THEM but for YOU, that you can login again and splash some bluesuits.
To all to this thread: If you still don't get it, just keep those shitty words for yourself.

And one more thing : I'am not ass licking anyone here, I do not like the way Devs work on this game, but its their game and you should respect them, even if those updates are not cool, and just making players angry.


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