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Donations needed
Why not then taking some minuts to write a proper news here on the forum or on the blog, explaining the current situation once and for all ? Speaking about how your team is going, who is working, who is away, what do you plan until the end of the year and after ? And if you prepare some new features and wanna keep it secret, you don't have to explain everything, just talk in general. At least we could have an idea of what's going on ! And if you're fighting against issues during dev process, it would be good to tell it also ! We won't laugh you know... we just wanna know, and if we could help in any way, I'm sure many of us would.
When I see Scipior talking about his (true) generosity concerning server fee, showing he didn't DARE asking community for donations, I see a big problem. And the more you continue on this way, remaining muted, getting more and more people angry, the worst it will be. You know it, but still you choose this way ! How should we react facing that situation ? Except raging because you seem to sink your own ship ?
Sometimes I have the feeling that you really want 2238 to crumble. Isn't that ridiculous ?
In case some of you forgot:
--- Quote from: lisac on December 27, 2011, 12:05:57 am ---What a fucking mess... If any of this was a bitmap image format, Prosper would be proud of you. Now, some things really piss me off.
First of all, get it once and for all - this game is free. There are no clients, no purchases, no hiring and no contracts. If you're failing to realise that, then gtfo this board and better not show anywhere on internet, or anywhere else, for that matter, because all you're gonna do is cause permanent brain damage for normal people.
Second: the game is free. If you gave donation, cool. If not, great. I couldn't give less fuck. You don't give anything to us, developers, because we develop the game for free. We do it, because we think the online Fallout is a unique project that deserves our support and it's our way to express us and/or our creations in a form of a computer game. Giving donation just keep the Paris running, so that you can play. No donations - no play. I can play with my friends on my PC, just fire up the server and go, go ,go. But if you don't give donations, you're the one who won't be playing. Why some of you try to implicate that you pay for something - for ANYTHING - in regard to the development by giving donations? You are donating in order to keep the server running, you're not donating to the development/team/someone special.
Third, and last - you got it - the game is free. We'll keep developing it and finding ways to keep the server going along as long as we can, but don't expect us to work like anyone hired us. We work for free, we provide this game for free. Someone putting devs under pressure "just because she/he has donated and wants to see a wipe" has counter-productive effects and will most probably postpone the development or (really bad situation, but quite possible) start argue in the dev team. I, for one, would like to see my teammates relaxed and working within their creativity window; on the other hand I certainly wouldn't like seeing them riled up for reading a bad post on forum about the game not being wiped for XYZ months and donations.
Now, a few words about the "wipe very soon". Since we have had wipe 16 months ago, most of the players have left the game or lost interest in the running version of 2238. We decided to post "wipe will be very soon", so that anyone who's still interested in the game may prepare for the upcoming wipe. This means contacting friends, arranging faction(s) and goals, whatever. The end of my blogpost indicates this clearly, and if you didn't get this right away, then drop by your local library and don't get back here until reading half of the content there. The wipe will be very soon, since most of the features we have planned for it already are implemented, now we try to polish the game up before the release. We don't know how long this may take, but **I personally hope** we can count the time in weeks or (the überbest scenario) in days.
Thank you for your attention and for not being an a......e while posting after this post.
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Now seriously.. why some of you are still here, after 1-3 years of constant whining, probably not even playing that much? Are you some sort of sadomasochists or local martyrs?
Not that I'm a fan of the way how is 2238 developed, but it's not my fucking business either. I play it or I quit it, simple. The fact is, when scypior is receiving 50 euro bills every month and asks for help, then some of you morons bark at him - then something is not right.
--- Quote from: Kilgore on October 03, 2012, 01:36:46 am ---Not that I'm a fan of the way how is 2238 developed, but it's not my fucking business either. I play it or I quit it, simple.
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Right, because games should be played in complete silence and this board has been set up so that nobody can voice his or her opinion here. Makes perfect sense.
--- Quote from: Kilgore on October 03, 2012, 01:36:46 am ---The fact is, when scypior is receiving 50 euro bills every month and asks for help, then some of you morons bark at him - then something is not right.
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Nobody's barking, it's just some people simply telling him it's no longer worth their money. It's a perfectly reasonable thing to say and actually serves a purpose unlike telling everyone they should stfu and gtfo from the sideline.
Basically Kilgore, just like the 2238 devs you're missing a very simple and very basic point here. It's a goddamn video game, not a charity.
--- Quote from: Nice_Boat on October 03, 2012, 01:50:26 am ---Nobody's barking,
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O rly? Read whole topic before posting, please. For me, it's mostly barking coming from some frustrated morons who can't get what lisac said long ago (see quote in my previous post). Even though he stated it extremely clearly.
--- Quote ---it's just some people simply telling him it's no longer worth their money.
--- End quote ---
Again, see the quote. No clients, no purchases, no hiring, no contracts. If too hard to understand, gtfo this board (and hey, they have the full right to make you gtfo, even when they just don't like ya - it's not like you have any rights here).
--- Quote ---Basically Kilgore, just like the 2238 devs you're missing a very simple and very basic point here. It's a goddamn video game, not a charity.
--- End quote ---
You (as me) are not the one deciding what it is and what it is not. 2238 is what it's creators want it to be, not what you or me or others want it to be.
Basically Nice_Boat, you and several other persons in this topic should stop behaving like videogame-obsessed 12yo kids. This is just a piece of free advice, enjoy.
--- Quote from: Kilgore on October 03, 2012, 02:10:37 am ---O rly? Read whole topic before posting, please. For me, it's mostly barking coming from some frustrated morons who can't get what lisac said long ago (see quote in my previous post). Even though he stated it extremely clearly.
--- End quote ---
And for me the post you quoted is just a piece of frustrated blabbering coming from an artist who repeatedly gives a crap performance for free and fails to realize why he's getting booed instead of being congratulated for a splendid show. It's pretty simple, nobody cares what your skills or paycheck look like until you place them in front of an audience - and when you do, you better be damn well prepared to take some criticism. Besides, it's not my fault that 2238 devs are getting a tomato to the face instead of tons of letters from hot groupies willing to have their babies for bringing them the best game ever, or at least since Tetris - I'm just making an observation, that's all.
Anyway, people have been dealing with this problem ever since a tone-deaf caveman hunter made the call to play the primitive bone-flute belonging to a caveman bard and got his motherlovin' caveman head bashed in by his angered tribe. The general consensus in our society seems to be the tribe was pretty much right given how poor, unpopular artists remain poor and unpopular.
--- Quote from: Kilgore on October 03, 2012, 02:10:37 am ---Again, see the quote. No clients, no purchases, no hiring, no contracts. If too hard to understand, gtfo this board (and hey, they have the full right to make you gtfo, even when they just don't like ya - it's not like you have any rights here).
--- End quote ---
Actually I have the right to express my opinions here until they deny me that. I'm simply exercising that right and so is everyone else here, including you. As far as the client-purchase-contract part goes it doesn't really matter because the most important thing about entertainment (games) isn't whether it's free or costs money, it's whether it's fun or a waste of time. Bad entertainment = booing instead of clapping. No amount of banhammer or developer butthurt is going to change that, it's just how human society works.
--- Quote from: Kilgore on October 03, 2012, 02:10:37 am ---You (as me) are not the one deciding what it is and what it is not. 2238 is what it's creators want it to be, not what you or me or others want it to be.
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You're mistaking expressing an opinion for trying to take part in the decision making process. Actually, I wouldn't want to get involved with the latter on 2238 because in all honesty this project is looking more and more like an unsalvageable mess.
--- Quote from: Kilgore on October 03, 2012, 02:10:37 am ---Basically Nice_Boat, you and several other persons in this topic should stop behaving like videogame-obsessed 12yo kids. This is just a piece of free advice, enjoy.
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I'm not really keen on taking advice resulting from misinterpretation so thanks, but no thanks.
And yeah, the answer to the inevitable question (tm) - why do I even care? Because Fallout, online, in English. And so do you, and you, and you and mostly everyone here. Otherwise we wouldn't even be having this discussion because judged on its own merits, this game is you know what, and no amount of namecalling, dev butthurt and banhammer is going to change that and so on, and so forth. Also, people love watching and talking about disasters. Anyway, no point in beating on a dead horse any further, so it's over and out from me.
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