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What Programs are people using for the 3D Models?


Mr Feltzer:
Hello. Im a N00bie When it Comes to 3D Moddeling. But I Was wondering what programs people are using for the FOnline 3D Era.

List Em Here :)


Wings 3D, Cinema 4D and 3D Max Studio


Oh! Wait!

When the 2D models were made for the original Fallout and Fallout 2, didn't they do them originally in 3D then capture frames from those models to make the 2D models?

If we could get the original 3D models, it would save a shitton of work!

Not possible though - many people tried to get those models already.

BTW - Blender

Probably the easiest program to create 3D models in is Google's Sketchup (its free too!). The program is incredibly user friendly, if you can understand MS Paint, then your off to a good start, there are some built in tutorials, if you watch 2 or 3 of them, you'll be set to start creating things. It has a huge online collection of 3D models, that is completely searchable. Personally, I've never used it to create models for a game before, but there are tutorials online on how to convert from Sketchup to Blender.

Anyways, I highly recommend checking out Sketchup's 3D Warehouse with all the models that people have shared, it would probably be a fantastic resource for premade templates of just about every item known to man.


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