Other > Closed suggestions

random attacks on bases

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about scheduling attack and synchronizing it with players, maybe something like scouts reports?
like "There recently has been reported an activity of mutants in the vicinity of your base, you should expect an assault soon"
soon- here it would be from 30 minutes to 2 hours for example. It would give players time to assemble, position and rearm mercs and prepare for the attack... or empty the base, sell it to some suckers, whatever other strategy. Of course attacks should at some "civilized" hours. Or, if it would be possible, there could be a programm that would gather statistical data about bases- and bases wouldbe attacked at hours when they are ussualy the most populated.

how do you like this?

Sounds good, but you have to try and make it as easy as possible for the devs to implement it. That means - simplicity is the key. Having a program to gather data on the locations of players? And then interpreting this data? I'm not a pro in this stuff, but I don't think that would be easy to do. Anyway, maybe one of the devs could say if having this debate makes any sense at all? Maybe they don't want anything like this in the game, anyway.

it would be rather easy i think (form the statistical point of view) however i dunno anything about programming so...


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