Other > Closed suggestions

Prevent ALTING, add mobile phone verification

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You would still want a 300 barter character, a leader a medic, or whatever.

Personnally, i like to change gameplay, and use various characters that fit that kind of gameplay.

Don't make me choose between a leader, a medic, a fighter and a sneak.
There are too much limitation to make possible doing medic stuff with a fighter, or sneaking things with a sledge user.

Some characters are just too much contracticting each others.

And if we could have characters with 300 % on each skill and 10 special, we would all be just clones.
Also, there would be no point on creating and levelling characters, as everything would be the same at the end.


--- Quote from: Ore Obtainer on September 26, 2012, 09:19:02 pm ---Add mobile phone verification for creating characters

--- End quote ---
Won't happen.


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