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new GMs

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Fat Man:

--- Quote from: Horatio on September 27, 2012, 07:45:04 am ---Only autistic people cant, physically seen, to recognise sarcasm. What's your excuse, Fat man?

--- End quote ---

It seems you are autistic and can't physically see and recognise my sarcasm :D LOL...

If autistic meant spend time in front of computer browsing 2238 forums, invest most of your free time in discussions with trolls and GRIND then probably yes. Yet, i'm not the worst case of this. ;D


--- Quote from: Eternauta on September 27, 2012, 06:36:25 am ---I heard a rumor according to which a very corrupt player was made GM just for one day because devs liked the faction he belonged to. This GM was able to reset the server back to last session but only for the guys in his gang. He later spawned 9999 APA's for every alt of every member, as well as a robot NPC that gave you 5mm AP through dialogue. I don't know, it's what I heard.

--- End quote ---

What's funny, is that later someone will probably repeat this as if it's truth, and say "A GM said this happened."

If the idiots actually knew they were stupid, it would be much easier to ignore them.

The Lost Children:
The game is shit, and the GMs are just super-players who have the ability to spawn itemz.

Vote Racoon plox


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