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What is 2238 right now ?

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Here to support my old folks ;)

Despite I didn't played a looong time ago (juste some hours spoiled in "trying to have fun by solo-playing" periodically...), I continue to follow game changes in a general way, and try "features" when I can. And this is pointless to talk about all the mechanics which don't work today, this thread is so larger than these details...

The fact is the game used to be fun, used to attract a lot of players, used to be interesting, and now it doesn't at all. So what happened between these days ? We community did just became too demanding, are we all now trolls who can't do anything but complain ? I don't think so...

The more devs try to evolve game, the less it's cool, that is the point. I know 50% of the fault is on some people always whining as soon as they can't powerdestroy all the wasteland in 5 minutes, but still, why listening to the elite ? I played since the very opening of OBT3, hour one, and even if from this moment to my first very stop I only played in a big team (on TLA or on 2238) and always had fun, I know it will be boring as hell today. Even solo playing was fun back in the days, because you could interact with people, first because server was populated, and second because there wasn't this freakin' paranoïa that pushes people to kill every bluesuit that came by sayin' "Hello!".

The only thing I feel now, is the huge amount of time I spoiled investing myself by playing and by reporting problems, by participating on our french wiki, or whatever...

It's not my opinion, it's an observation from the inside and the outside.


--- Quote from: Gruik on October 22, 2012, 01:40:21 pm ---The fact is the game used to be fun, used to attract a lot of players, used to be interesting, and now it doesn't at all. So what happened between these days ? We community did just became too demanding, are we all now trolls who can't do anything but complain ? I don't think so...
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What happened was that players learned to play. They understood to stay out of unsafe places without a good reason and thus those places became empty. One reason is also highly competitive pvp where mercy isn't given an inch. A beginner team is put against the best teams right away and they can expect to be crushed many many times.

--- Quote ---The more devs try to evolve game, the less it's cool, that is the point. I know 50% of the fault is on some people always whining as soon as they can't powerdestroy all the wasteland in 5 minutes, but still, why listening to the elite ?
--- End quote ---

Who are these elite anyway?


--- Quote from: Gruik on October 22, 2012, 01:40:21 pm ---Here to support my old folks ;)

Despite I didn't played a looong time ago (juste some hours spoiled in "trying to have fun by solo-playing" periodically...), I continue to follow game changes in a general way, and try "features" when I can. And this is pointless to talk about all the mechanics which don't work today, this thread is so larger than these details...

The fact is the game used to be fun, used to attract a lot of players, used to be interesting, and now it doesn't at all. So what happened between these days ? We community did just became too demanding, are we all now trolls who can't do anything but complain ? I don't think so...

The more devs try to evolve game, the less it's cool, that is the point. I know 50% of the fault is on some people always whining as soon as they can't powerdestroy all the wasteland in 5 minutes, but still, why listening to the elite ? I played since the very opening of OBT3, hour one, and even if from this moment to my first very stop I only played in a big team (on TLA or on 2238) and always had fun, I know it will be boring as hell today. Even solo playing was fun back in the days, because you could interact with people, first because server was populated, and second because there wasn't this freakin' paranoïa that pushes people to kill every bluesuit that came by sayin' "Hello!".

The only thing I feel now, is the huge amount of time I spoiled investing myself by playing and by reporting problems, by participating on our french wiki, or whatever...

It's not my opinion, it's an observation from the inside and the outside.

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No offense but if you took a different decision 2 years ago and join our TTTLA adventure instead of staying with the “Cajuns” you would probably still play today.

Btw you are on the short list who still can take the good decision and join us like Shangalar did and you will see the game from another point of view, trust me.

Your friend,


--- Quote from: avv on October 22, 2012, 07:11:54 pm ---What happened was that players learned to play. They understood to stay out of unsafe places without a good reason and thus those places became empty. One reason is also highly competitive pvp where mercy isn't given an inch. A beginner team is put against the best teams right away and they can expect to be crushed many many times.

Who are these elite anyway?

--- End quote ---

I F5'ed the page while answering -_-" Try to sum up :

I understand your point but don't agree 100% to it, because it's exactly the problem of the emptiness on the server today and the lack of fun. It's not balanced at all regarding way of playing this game ; there's no good or bad way of playing, and people shouldn't HAVE TO be in a big team to enjoy the game, and shouldn't HAVE TO make perfect builds and alts. There's no middle, either you're getting destroyed at every step outside your tent because you are alone / in a small team, and are bored by just stacking stuff from craft, either you are in a dominant team and do nothing but wait 'till another big team shows up, and this brings boringness too. Majority of players should be in a category between those.

Well, this is the reasonable way to look at what the game should be, but we all know, me the first, that it's absolutely not its reality. Can't be without a really deep thinking about the whole mechanics, because all I see when we are told "hey look we add cool stuffs and features on the game and fix problems !", is that the game become less attractive. Some monthes back we reached a cool period, but now it's over (again...).

And you got me on the points of elites, I shouldn't have say that ^^" Because it's precisly because of (thanks to!) them, big teams, old players, who see the changes and can report everything really quickly because they have the means (number is clearly the first reason). So forget about that point :p

--- Quote from: LeMark on October 22, 2012, 07:20:35 pm ---No offense but if you took a different decision 2 years ago and join our TTTLA adventure instead of staying with the “Cajuns” you would probably still play today.

Btw you are on the short list who still can take the good decision and join us like Shangalar did and you will see the game from another point of view, trust me.

Your friend,

--- End quote ---

Haha no offense taken :D The fact is I really didn't wanted to be part of all the problems I saw in this time, and by experience I know the more we are the more problems come... I didn't think further, even if I noticed perfectly all the efforts you and the other TTT were making to build something once and for all. And still, I didn't played a lot after the big split, first having to choose a "side" was really pissing, and I missed power and domination a lot ;D

Well, I didn't totally quit on the idea of really playing again, see my old teammates... I'm sure I can enjoy the game again, the problem, which I talked about upper, is that playing with you guys is the only way for it. Well it's not a problem to play with you, no no no, it's a problem that everybody should have this situation to fully enjoy the game (and here I join Kinkin on first post, and continue responding to avv).

And LeMark, do you really think I could ever forget about Caribous ? Hahahaha xD
So, I'll see in a few how much I want to play again, put myself on update about important game mechanics I could not notice, and I will respond to your invitation (is that one ^^ ?) as soon as I'm decided ;)

This server is extremly unfriendly to beginners. There are also various ridiculous game mechanic changes. Too bad, I thought it would be amazing. Turns out it's just a bunch of guys running around with Big Guns killing everyone and everything.


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