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What is 2238 right now ?

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After the taste we got of Fast Relog and Dual Log, i am afraid the game will become unplayable if we remove it.
It's like removing Hinkley, TC town, Combat skills, Faction bases or all the quest. What would be the point ? Make playerbase join another server ?
I also remind there was already a vote about it.

Sure you can, but he'll suck at everything. Questing is barely a feature, pvp without a pvp build means you will die every time with no chance to even hurt your enemies. Your ideas aren't feasible. Hell I need an alt just to get gear in hinkley/check for other players for my pvp builds.


--- Quote from: Pryszczu666 on September 24, 2012, 07:14:24 pm ---Why does the game demand an alt for every task ? You can create a character that is able to do quest, have decent outdoorsman, can craft and stand a decent fight, this is what Im talking about everyone being everything, one man and shitload of alts army makes game easy, and what is a game without decent level of difficulty ?
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It's about using the best methods. Making a hybrid character is less profitable and effective than making a specialized alt. Barter or repair alt will never see battle and combat alt will never repair. Thus there's not tradeoff. You can't demand players to play against how the mechanics encourage them to.

--- Quote ---Can't You agree to be a one cog in whole machinery that runs game ? You provide, he refines and they produce is what this game need, a dependencity on other to provide their skills & vice-versa You providing specialization to them.
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People are unreliable. Alts are much handier. They are available when you want, they work as much as you want and do exactly like you tell them to. Unless devs somehow fix other players so that they can be made to work like alts, there will be no chance in alt question.


--- Quote from: avv on September 24, 2012, 07:06:08 pm ---It's not players fault that our character creation encourages minmaxing.

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That is true...

--- Quote from: avv on September 24, 2012, 07:06:08 pm ---So basically you yourself don't tolerate a certain playstyle but everyone who disagrees with you are intolerant.

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I do tolerate, but there should be certain boundries, don't You think ?

--- Quote from: avv on September 24, 2012, 07:06:08 pm ---Anyone can cook up background stories. And what if someone is so poor at writing them that the ones checking the stories wouldn't believe it?

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Then let him has these few characters, in time someone will find out about it and he will loose every last one of them...
If You can't write story then You just say so something could be worked out, best would be tying game to forum account.

--- Quote from: avv on September 24, 2012, 07:06:08 pm ---This encourages cheating even further because players would have to compensate for their character's losses by making alts. This is how it's currently going. Charisma 1 character can't trade so barter alt is made.

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Why compensating in first place when You're told alts are breaking game rules and why making characters with 01 stats when You can make decent medium builds, not maxed out

--- Quote from: avv on September 24, 2012, 07:06:08 pm ---By all means but players have tendency to use multilog to pass these quests. All the current quests we have highly encourage multilog.

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Because they can and because they're greedy never feeling filled enough.

--- Quote from: avv on September 24, 2012, 07:06:08 pm ---In fallout 2 we had encounters with equipment that aren't available even now. NCR caravans had G11, some raiders had laser rifles, san fran caravans had avengers. The world of fallout is violent and gun-packed, nothing to it.

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We can always say that the game is set in times that the guns were not created yet or just not use 'em, lastly there always is a nerf tool ;)

--- Quote from: avv on September 24, 2012, 07:06:08 pm ---Then the game has to encourage us to make characters like this. Having artificial boundaries to prevent alt-making is not an encouragement but an invitation to cheat.

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You have to ask Yourself an important question: What would Jesus do ? Would he play on proxy ? Or PK ? Troll maybe ? I personally believe he would do a role-play...
LOL be a man, there is always an easy-p*ssy way, cheater way.

--- Quote from: avv on September 24, 2012, 07:06:08 pm ---It was?

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Yes, it was but Im not sure if You played it fully or You just did a speed run of main story running first to navaro for APA then, just shooting through enemies in front of You


--- Quote from: avv on September 24, 2012, 07:34:33 pm ---It's about using the best methods. Making a hybrid character is less profitable and effective than making a specialized alt. Barter or repair alt will never see battle and combat alt will never repair. Thus there's not tradeoff. You can't demand players to play against how the mechanics encourage them to.

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Look at this from other angle...
Hybrid is worst then sepecialized character but... You can't make specialized one ! that's why You have to live with hybrid and if You have to relay on trade with others to let's say get a gun then u give away armor and everyone is happy and gets what he wants, other players will have to live by the same rules u do, don't you think ? And thats why you won't get pwnd'ed in combat because everyone will be weaker , ofc. some that lets say are more combat oriented will have an advantage but still not a crushing one.

--- Quote from: avv on September 24, 2012, 07:34:33 pm ---People are unreliable. Alts are much handier. They are available when you want, they work as much as you want and do exactly like you tell them to. Unless devs somehow fix other players so that they can be made to work like alts, there will be no chance in alt question.

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So people don't trade ? They will just hoard shitload of one kind items runing around like mindless baboons biting each other throats cause one will not sell 1 of bazilion of his sniper rifles he crafted to the other baboon who won't give the 2nd baboon an metal armor his cleaver red ass made etc. ?


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