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--- Quote from: chocolate_chip_cookies on September 23, 2012, 07:06:24 pm ---Wiki lies. I have a doctor

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I have two crafters with doctor 2 and both can craft SS without BP. Its like SuperSledge. Theres also BP for that,but you can craft it with profesion only.


--- Quote from: AtomicWrangler on September 23, 2012, 07:26:34 pm ---I have two crafters with doctor 2 and both can craft SS without BP. Its like SuperSledge. Theres also BP for that,but you can craft it with profesion only.

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What profession is Super Sledge?

Gunsmith 0 of course.
The point is,that there is a BP for that,but that BP is here only for pissing of BP hunters....same as with SS BP.


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