Other > General Game Discussion
--- Quote from: flame2014 on September 20, 2012, 08:47:26 pm ---Very simple
SAD - inaccessible
Glow - no chance to get to Aworkbench
Klamath toxic caws - same as Glow
Gun runnes - have not tried yet, but need reputation and without combat skill not sure how to reach
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Gunrunners is easy, all you need really is two bases and vehicle (to deliver the Gunrunners package and maintain your rep).
--- Quote from: flame2014 on September 20, 2012, 08:47:26 pm ---Very simple
SAD - inaccessible
Glow - no chance to get to Aworkbench
Klamath toxic caws - same as Glow
Gun runnes - have not tried yet, but need reputation and without combat skill not sure how to reach
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WEak argurment, please no more NERFS to accomodate panty hose wearing noobs that want fonline to be a walk in candyland. Adv Workbenches being in out of the spot places is one of the GOoD things done this session, as it forces some interaction between players to actally leave the confines of the saftey of there bases. Risk should be the compliment to reward. In this case the risk is encountering blood thirsty murderous bandits in contrast of being able to craft cool new goodies, I don't see a problem with that.
Sad - inaccessible? Really? I never have any trouble getting in there, I must be super kool guy, true story...
Glow - who goes to the Glow to craft?
Toxic caves - Yeah geckos are super hard to kill :/
Gunn runners - Uh yeah the quest is the whole idea to get your rep up to basically a safe adv workbench for you, sounds like heaven for you right? Oh, your too lazy to do it.... got it, sry, well I erm, I don't know what to tell you then..... Oh you only have a few hours a week to play but expect to have the game accomodate your needs, maybe play World of Warcraft? They accomodate for everyone.
toxic cave is no where as bad as glow, all you need to do is take a bger or a heavy handed troll and kill the robots and a couple geckos. ohhh noes i might be a little bit poisoned. (take antidote)
--- Quote from: Giftless on September 21, 2012, 01:16:09 am ---Gunrunners is easy, all you need really is two bases and vehicle (to deliver the Gunrunners package and maintain your rep).
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The payments seem enough to just use the trains- NCR/Boneyard.
Back and forth.
As far as I agree that the military base shouldn't be a place for a loner to use an advance workbench I still understand the flame's point. I have seen this guy camping there constantly for a long time (probably on multilog doing something else while the mercs autokill everyone appearing in the spawning point), and I wouldn't call this situation as encouraging interaction beetween players, on the contrary, less people go there beacuse its almost immposible to get on the 4th floor even with fully armed group, because elevator allows only 1 person at a time and after you get there you immediately get shot by 30+ mercs. I don't believe he does it for loot, because most people sends scouts before coming in with the actual crafting resources and I don't see how this is a matter of "harshness" because he clearly exploits the bottleneck created by a mechanics that were designed with a single player game in mind for a pure purpouse of griefing. Funny enough simmilar case (resolved by Jovanka) happened few days ago in the Gecko Mine, where everyone were spawning in the location already dead due to mercs killing them even before they were able to fully load a game.
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