Other > Tools and Modifications

Combat Interface v.1.3 (31.08.2010)

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--- Quote from: levi2ki on June 15, 2010, 04:06:50 pm ---little problem with dialouge window or its a special making?

--- End quote ---
It looks like the problem on your side, cause for me it's flawless.

I advise you to download the latest version which is available in first post of this topic. If it wont help, then you better start using Combat Interface MK2.

ow ok. i will try to fix it
thx for interface. the best ::)
mk2 interface only for 1024x768 or it suport any higher res?



--- Quote from: Graf on June 16, 2010, 09:35:19 am ---...
I advise you to download the latest version which is available in first post of this topic. If it wont help, then you better start using Combat Interface MK2.

--- End quote ---
for public
IntWAmmoCount=445 65 562 105
IntWWearProcent= 447 65 562 105
IntWAmmoCountStr= 450 69 562 112
IntWWearProcentStr= 450 77 562 112

Can you use it together with Transparent Interface mod?

EDIT: I saw a tiny white dot near AP cost text



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