Other > Closed suggestions

Enable No Pvp mode in NCR, Hub and VC

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Couldn't choose any option.

Pvp in safe towns is ok if it makes sensel. Suicide-murder is just gay.

Murder in safe town starts to make sense when:

- The murderer gains some ingame benefit for it
- Murderer gets away alive after the kill
- Is not done by exploit


--- Quote from: avv on March 20, 2010, 02:58:02 pm --- Suicide-murder is just gay.

--- End quote ---

which is the only option right now, the guards are basically instakill and they just keep adding more and more guards

there are probably more guards in NCR than all other cities combined

What about thieves? Is any of "please make no-PvP in citiez i got killd by sum n00bz lol xd" players not interested in killing a thief that just robbed their precioussss items? No combat means no possibility to kill a thief. So what next? No-thievery? And then? No-weapon-holding? No-shouting? No-running? No-shit-shoveling? Geez.

And I think there is more important work to do right now than creating "noobish towns" with some big voodoo magic to disable PvP. If you can't stand of losing virtual items in a computer game, then this is a problem unable to solve by devs.

open pvp should never change. it's very fallouty and I like how you can die pretty much anywhere... Loosing all your items on lvl 5  to a lvl 21 pk group every day is another thing but I belive open pvp should stay.

Just leave it as it is.  Let the PVP idiots waste all their ammo into you by killing you in a guarded city, getting your shit and their shit looted, and getting put back into square one.  I took a moment to think the pvp thing over.  No PVP makes the game boring for some players.  Fully open pvp makes the game too negative towards new players.  PVP arenas, it can be a good idea, but not really worth it.  Restricted PvP or having negative effects with PVP, there's something that can be worked with.  So, here's my idea.

In my time of playing tons of MMO's, why not have a pvp-point system?  You kill people, you get pvp points, the more you have, the more likely a guard is to kill you on sight. 
Just kill a person?  Gonna wait 3 to 5 minutes before you can safely enter a guarded city, because the guards will shoot you. 
Kill 50 players in a day?  Name is gonna go red, Guards will not protect you at all, so another player can just run up and shoot at you and they won't get into trouble. 
Killed 100 people?  Goddamn you're a walking disaster, so you'll get a black name!  Guards will help players kill you then, unless they're red named or black named.
In a sense...  This can bring balance to the pvp-vs-pve aspects.  Keeps the open pvp, but, doesn't ruin it for all players.


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