Other > Closed suggestions

My suggestion list

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--- Quote from: materdan on March 20, 2010, 06:38:29 am ---8.) Shopkeepers need to be fixed, items need to stack and any amount of the item over a threshold (9?) needs to be thrown away by the shopkeeper.  Also, the 30 second time-limit needs to be removed and npcs need to be able to multitask talking to multiple people, do you know how frustrating it is to scroll for the entire 30 second time limit before getting to the end of the npcs inventory (right before the item I want!).
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I'd sign for that. Or the shopkeeper should lose interest with the raising amount of items of one kind.
Stacking is very good idea.

--- Quote from: materdan on March 20, 2010, 06:38:29 am ---11.) Dying to npcs is a pain, but you can do more interesting things with this.  If you die to npcs then your loot should end up on some black market caravan.  It would make the game more interesting.  I am tired of seeing traveling merchants who have 8 bullets to sell me and thats it.
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Very nice. However, there will be also people raiding caravans - gaining the equipment too easily. Well-armed caravans are also a very easy source for miniguns.

--- Quote from: avv on March 20, 2010, 11:59:15 am ---The reason why npcs loot people's equipments in ncr is because players used to work in pairs to rob people there. One shot someone, guards shot the shooter but his friend looted everything.

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I saw a pair working in Hub, one provoked the trader and lured him to a unsecured area, where his pal blasted him away.

That was a very well described suggestion list, but don't get your expectations about suggestions too much, though.
The chance to get things implemented is very slim and depends on current workload of devs.
And it seems they have an awful lot to do at the moment.


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