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Author Topic: Allow logging of all text in chat/log, as an option in config.  (Read 1661 times)

Allow logging of all text in chat/log, as an option in config.
« on: September 13, 2012, 01:35:16 am »

Allow logging of all text in chat/log, as an option in config. Automatically save after some time or when pressing exit button to logout a character.


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Re: Allow logging of all text in chat/log, as an option in config.
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2012, 01:37:48 am »

Press F2
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Re: Allow logging of all text in chat/log, as an option in config.
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2012, 06:38:32 am »

Press F2
Yes this has been implemented since day 1, I do believe.


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Re: Allow logging of all text in chat/log, as an option in config.
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2012, 09:29:21 am »

From what I understand ronillon wants logging which doesn't require you to press F2, with option to enable it in config.

I suggested something similar before, but not in public section, so let me paste it here:

Quote from: JovankaB
An option to automatically save log (game log, like the one created with F2 key) when you exit game (close client).

Also, maybe if you saved more logs with F2 key during one session (client start-client end), replace them with the last one auto-saved.
It would remove logs containing same info.


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Re: Allow logging of all text in chat/log, as an option in config.
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2012, 10:29:06 am »

There's freaking old (first weeks of my gm times, iirc) ~logautosave command which does familiar thing - once used, it appends any incoming text to autosave.log until you close the client. I've never made it official command, due to some (dirty) tricks which kicks in before text is displayed in client and fact that i never saw it as thing which is actually needed for regular players; it wasn't worked on since written and left in "it's fine as it is" stage. It may also cause slowdowns in maps where lot of text is floating around. And oh, command was never used by someone else than me, one or two gms (but i doubt even in that) and few people who found it (hi jan0s1k!) when scripts was sent to client in text form. That also means that you should expect unexpected results due to lack of proper feedback ;p
Games are meant to be created, not played...
Re: Allow logging of all text in chat/log, as an option in config.
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2012, 10:41:13 am »

From what I understand ronillon wants logging which doesn't require you to press F2, with option to enable it in config.

I suggested something similar before, but not in public section, so let me paste it here:

Thx Jovanka, I almost started to think that i wrote this suggestion in some alien language by some accident ;] I like to hear that someone else wants that too.

There's freaking old (first weeks of my gm times, iirc) ~logautosave command which does familiar thing - once used, it appends any incoming text to autosave.log until you close the client. I've never made it official command, due to some (dirty) tricks which kicks in before text is displayed in client and fact that i never saw it as thing which is actually needed for regular players; it wasn't worked on since written and left in "it's fine as it is" stage. It may also cause slowdowns in maps where lot of text is floating around. And oh, command was never used by someone else than me, one or two gms (but i doubt even in that) and few people who found it (hi jan0s1k!) when scripts was sent to client in text form. That also means that you should expect unexpected results due to lack of proper feedback ;p
That why i also suggested a command,25791.0.html which would show commands available to player.

I think this will come in handy in cases of client crashes or situation when one wanted a log but was too hur hur to close the client, that he forgot.

Expect some unexpected feedback now ;]
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 10:49:03 am by ronillon »


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Re: Allow logging of all text in chat/log, as an option in config.
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2012, 02:46:03 pm »

Thx Jovanka, I almost started to think that i wrote this suggestion in some alien language by some accident ;] I like to hear that someone else wants that too.
That why i also suggested a command,25791.0.html which would show commands available to player.

I think this will come in handy in cases of client crashes or situation when one wanted a log but was too hur hur to close the client, that he forgot.

Expect some unexpected feedback now ;]
I almost thought you wrote it in alien language too! xD jk. But now that JovankaB cleared it up for me, I understand. Agreed.
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