Other > Fan Art

General scenery thread

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As i know there's a similar thread on NMA, and a whole section on fonline.ru devoted to the graphics, i think it would be good to have a thread for scenery on 2238, too.

Here, one can post own creations or works of others (which should be credited by the poster or by other user, who recognised it), discuss and experiment with art.

I think, i'll start with a image from nyibelunger from NMA, which i edited a bit. (size, palette)

Your lack of pylons is disturbing.


--- Quote from: Horatio on September 22, 2012, 09:24:35 pm ---Your lack of pylons is disturbing.
--- End quote ---

We require more minerals.

I would say the pylon needs to be more rusty and bent. Otherwise it's good. Wouldn't like to stand behind it with my character though.

For Fallout/FOnline scenery, the pylon has wrong perspective (same as in Fallout Tactics).

This is the art sub-forum not tools and modifications so let's care a bit less about it. I'm sick of the perspective discussion anyway.
Some things look good even if the perspective isn't completly right. See screenshots of Surf's 'What Remains' for example.


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