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Building a gaming comp
--- Quote from: Redivivus on September 07, 2012, 10:37:16 am ---I would recommend smth from product line of Crucial or OCZ for SSD though. Plus really, 30 GB is too small.
Yet yeah, i5 would be better, but, Sandy bridge? Meh. Why not Ivy?
Try this 2: 3770 or 3570
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Crucial = yay
OCZ = nay
Crucial M4 / Samsung 830 are a good choice and you can get 128GB at $150-200 probably. There were lots of people having problems with OCZ ssds, I wouldn't bother. Personally I'm using Samsung 830.
Why not Ivy: because it doesn't make a big difference. All depends on how much money you are willing to waste on the PC: if more, buy i7-3770k or 3570, if less, buy i5-2500k.
--- Quote from: Nilas on September 07, 2012, 03:53:49 pm ---Hm but regardless, wouldn't it be a downgrade to go from the 3.6ghz 8-core to the 3.6ghz 4-core?
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Duh, actually there are no real reason even in quad-core processors. Not many programs even for now are able to use multiprocessing. :/
Yeah, the only game that I know utilizes more than 2 cores is Red Orchestra 2. Unless you are building a NASA-like center, I see no reason why to go for an eight-core. I guess you could shoot for the future, as if games in somewhere 2016 will utilize more than 4 cores and you will still be able to max something out maybe.
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