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As Belzebu once said: I'm a legion. Chapter 6; Article 6; Page 6.


--- Quote from: DocAN. on September 05, 2012, 04:08:01 pm ---Does everyone likes to get bombed with dual loger/fr - bomber ?
Does everyone likes to get swarmed by super mutants dual loger/fr ?
Does everyone likes to get killed by dual loger/fr sneakers?
Does evereone thinks it is fun?

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You can into PvP without bombers(rare as hell, not gazillion alts per person witch is mandatory)/mutants (whole start of wipe first 3-4 months no mutants seen anywhere, in large fights especially can be easily neglected with proper strategy) and sneakers are used for scouting not killing(sneaker advantage can be so easily neglected it's not funny when someone starts killing them just before the fight and your blind), good morning. You cannot into PvP if you don't have enough alts, you just simply can't and there is no way around that, there is a bit of a difference don't you think so?

There was no mutants coz You had SD sneakers, dont You remebre that?

Now when SD nades are fixed, You have less options to kill players on dual log/FR b4 You enter with main alt.

I bet You dont remembre logged off alts with bombs on them, right? Also fixed.

--- Quote from: naossano on September 05, 2012, 12:47:36 pm ---Fast Relog not only make things fair, but remove a huge pain in the ass, for everything, except maybe pvp. (and even then, a lot of pvp faction support it)

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FR fixed the problem of SD trolls/Bombers/Mutants and dual loggers.

You are totaly wrong T888 but looks like you cant understand it. Get used to new situation or move to Requiem... oh, i forgot there are FRs and waves of alts.

A concerned wastelander:

--- Quote from: JovankaB on September 04, 2012, 08:02:05 am --- Personally I would prefer server without FR, because it just creates
a huge gap between power gamers and casual players and excludes the latter from PvP. Even with
a hybrid character you might get lucky and win 1 vs 1, but not if the other person has 5 alts over town.

--- End quote ---

Indeed, we are better off without fast relog, is there a will on the behalf of devs to change that? Or shall we continue to make massive numbers of pvp alts?

I have made many suggestions how to avoid alting but didnt get single answear from dev team...


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