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What do you think is more normal -please ask if you dont understand

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I does it when I think I swalowed bug EW :P.

I usually end up puking since i screwed up my liver as a youth, if not the night i drank then the next morning. Puking up cereal is a terrible way to start the day.

Mr Feltzer:
Ughh, No Ways Lol :D Vomit Tastes Like SHIT

I can't tell you how man times i've forced myself to puke after drinking waaay to much, it's usually after i've already been drinking beer and then someone shows up with a bottle of whiskey or something. I drink way to much and right about when I get the spins I make myself throw up, I always feel 100% better afterwards and the spins stop.

On a side note I can vomit on command and used to do so to get out of classes and such.

Quentin Lang:

--- Quote ---dont be afraid to write something aswell, like why you think it's sick to do it.
--- End quote ---
Alright, you made me tell it. Personally, i would never do it, no matter what, unless its completly sure im gonna throw up sooner or later. Even then, most likely i wouldnt put thoes fingers in my neck. Why? I cant really explain it, im no doctor, but i guess its some kind of physical abnormality that when i vomit, big part of the puke go trough my nose. Trust me, vomit smell and partly-digested food bits in my nose for a whole day aint the best feeling you can have, so i'd rather avoid vomiting at all.


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